Leadership and Team Development

Learn how to develop and manage high performers
What makes a good leader or creates a high-functioning team? The answer varies widely depending on who you ask, with researchers disagreeing on the critical components. Some say the primary difference between a leader and a manager is that a leader's someone who does the right thing, whereas a manager does things right. Or to put it another way, management is an occupation, leadership is a calling. Other subject matter experts will say that the difference between a high-functioning team and an underperforming team is the difference between being proactive vs reactive.

However, there are some shared traits all can agree upon, including but not limited to the following:
  • Strategy
  • Commitment, resolve and perseverance
  • Risk-taking
  • Planning
  • Motivating
  • Communication skills
Wouldn't it be nice to have a roadmap or a guidebook to follow that identified the constants of effective leadership or management within legal parameters while learning how to recruit, retain, and maximize our high performers? Remember people leave managers not organizations.
DLRS Consulting develops leadership programs for organizational leaders or teams, either underperforming individuals or teams or those who are currently doing well in their current roles with the potential to do more. The ideal candidates for DLRS are those leaders or teams with limited to some experience managing or leading others to senior leaders or teams with lots of experience looking to elevate their performance.