Organizational Analysis & Development

Determine what you have first...then make it better.
Unneeded bureaucracy can impede operational effectiveness. Conversely, too "flat" an organization lacking the appropriate reporting relationships can cause management fatigue, lapses in productivity, delayed response to critical decisions & other issues impacting effective, profitable business operations.

Organizational Analysis and Development Services include:
  • Assessment of current organizational structure in relation to the strategic plan, reporting relationships & tasks performed to determine optimal structural efficiency.
  • Evaluation of current positions for relevance in "today's" work environment.
  • Determine if current structure is optimal for future planned growth in business, positions, functions, and assignments.
  • Recommend structural, organizational & related changes for consideration in maximizing current operations.
  • Design & implement an organizational structure: updated job descriptions, career path development, performance management initiatives & other client-specific changes needed to maximize organizational efficiency.