Strategic Partnership

Build the alliances that drive the your organization.
Some organizations are not ready for a full-time director or vice president of workforce or HR, but that does not remove the NEED. By engaging DLRS Consulting as an on-site professional strategic as needed HR Business Partner, an organization can save considerable costs in not having to pay for the services of a full-time Director or Vice President.

The Chief Strategist and owner of DLRS was employed at the Director, Vice President or Senior Vice President of HR level as were the other consultants DLRS would provide to support your organization. Getting that level of expertise, experience, abilities, and knowledge for a fraction of what it would cost for a full-time employee with the same level of expertise, is priceless.

In addition to high level Human Resources Management talent and experience, DLRS also offers high- level Operations and related experience at the VP for organizations. Because sometimes when an organization sits with an organizational problem for long periods of time, the problem or challenge can become embedded or cultural, requiring a fresh set of eyes; what is the saying, "not being able to see the forest for the trees". DLRS Consulting offers the talent, expertise, skills, an experiential background to deal with issues while aligning them with an organization's overall strategic plan, budgeting, "futures planning" and operations using the Baldridge Criteria for Performance Excellence with the goal of providing efficiencies globally. The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence is a well-known framework or basis for performing low-cost, non-prescriptive assessments in addressing